Some courses require that students have a certain standing in the college, or that they have taken a required course or have achieved college writing proficiency. This information is found at the end of the course description in the Academic Catalogue.
An elective is a course that is not one that is required for a major. It will count toward the student's credit total, however.
A transcript is a document that indicates all the courses and grades a student has received throughout his or her course of study at the college.
All of a student's academic information can be obtained through MyGoucher, including his or her schedule, transcript, academic plan, and grades.
Once a student has met with his or her academic advisor and has discussed the academic plan and courses he or she would like to take, the academic advisor will authorize registration. Students receive notification regarding a date and time that they may register through MyGoucher. No student without authorization will be able to register.
When a student's GPA drops below a 2.0 but remains above a 1.6-1.8 (depending upon class level of the student), they will be placed on academic probation, which means they can continue at the college but may not hold an elected office in any college organization, compete in any varsity sport, or register for more than 16 credits. In addition, while a student is on academic probation, they must meet conditions that are articulated in a letter from the associate dean for undergraduate studies.
When a student fails to earn a cumulative GPA below that required to remain at Goucher or fails to meet the conditions of academic probation, her or she may be subject to academic suspension. There is a sliding scale ranging from 1.6 to 1.8 depending upon the class level of the student.